NOTE: This is a collection of information and links collected over the years that might provide useful information. A Safer Company LLC does not guarantee, endorse or approve any of these links or their scripts. Use these links to other websites at your own risk.
- Animation Gif Homework.docx
- DVDs, CDs, Photo Editing
- Animation
- Animation Files Formats for the Web
- Animated GIF with Flash
- Animated GIF with Photoshop
- Audio
- Audio - Adding to a Web Page
- Embedded WMA
- Common Audio Formats
- Multimedia
- Slideshows
- sound_recorder_message.wma
- Video - embed FLV - DOES NOT WORK
- Video
- Adding Video
- Adding Video to Web Page
- Web Design
- Web Design
- HTML - Video Codes
- Video - HTML5
- video_information.docx
- Windows Movie Maker
- Video - Notes
- Video Players
- Web Design
Adding Video
- Create a folder for all video files: Example: /video
- Make or create a video and save it to your video folder
- Upload the video to your web server
- Embedding the Video
- Every web browser treats videos
differently. What may work in one browser, may not work in another.
So you should use both old and new HTML embed tags. (<object> and <embed>).
For example:
- Be sure your width and height attributes match the size of your video. The variables above are just examples. You may want to add a few pixels to allow for the player controls.
- The movie.avi is the path to your movie file.
- controller - displays the video controls.
- autoplay - tells the browser to play (or not play) the video when the page loads. True to play automatically; false means the user will need to click the Play button.
- pluginspace - will prompt the user to download quicktime if they do not already have it.
- Replace musicfile.wav with the name of the music file you chose to upload to your web server. The code above also assumes you've saved the file in the same location of your homepage (index.html). If you save the file inside a folder on your root then you'd have to change the path slightly.
- <embed src="/music/musicfile.wav" autostart="true" loop="false">
- Every web browser treats videos
differently. What may work in one browser, may not work in another.
So you should use both old and new HTML embed tags. (<object> and <embed>).
For example:
Music File Attributes
After the path to your music file, you'll see a couple of attributes:
The autostart attribute tells the song file how to begin. If you have this set to "true", the song file will begin playing automatically when the page loads. If you put in "false", the sound file will not start automatically and the visitor will have to start the song by using their embedded media player.
The loop attribute tells the song how many times to play. If you have this set to "true" then it will play over and over again automatically. If you have it set to "false" it will play once and stop.
The hidden attribute tells the browser whether or not to hide the media player. It's not a good idea to leave this value at "true" unless you know for sure your visitors don't want to stop the music.
You don't want your music to annoy them to the point they leave because they can't figure out how to turn the music off.
Adjusting the Size of The Media Player
You can customize the look of the embedded/default media player on your visitor's PC by adding a width and height attribute to the code. Be careful as you adjust the size of the player because you can distort it.
<embed src="/music/musicfile.wav" autostart="true" loop="false" width="350" height="200">
Once you have your music file uploaded and coding inserted into your web page, your background music should play when your browser loads. Enjoy!
Page last updated: May 31, 2012 10:41 AM
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