NOTE: This is a collection of information and links collected over the years that might provide useful information. A Safer Company LLC does not guarantee, endorse or approve any of these links or their scripts. Use these links to other websites at your own risk.
- Animation Gif Homework.docx
- DVDs, CDs, Photo Editing
- Animation
- Animation Files Formats for the Web
- Animated GIF with Flash
- Animated GIF with Photoshop
- Audio
- Audio - Adding to a Web Page
- Embedded WMA
- Common Audio Formats
- Multimedia
- Slideshows
- sound_recorder_message.wma
- Video - embed FLV - DOES NOT WORK
- Video
- Adding Video
- Adding Video to Web Page
- Web Design
- Web Design
- HTML - Video Codes
- Video - HTML5
- video_information.docx
- Windows Movie Maker
- Video - Notes
- Video Players
- Web Design
Animation is simply an illusion where still images are displayed in a series fast enough to create the illusion of movement. Walt Disney created animation more than 50 years ago. Animated can used for education and training, advertising and entertainment. It is simple and easy to understand. It can be better than video because it is generally more cost-effective and creates smaller files for quicker downloads. Animation can be used to grab ones attention. Just make sure that you use animation sparingly.
Frame based animation is also called cel animation from the word celluloid which is clear sheet material on which images are drawn by movie animators.
Animated GIFs are Appropriate Format
- short, simply drawn animations
- without sound
- without any need for guaranteed smooth playback
- when you do not want to rely on visitors plug-in
Advantage of Animated GIFs
- Animated GIFs do not require plug-in
- Allows you to upload a single file and still have animation.
- Does not use scripting
- Good for short, simple sequences
- Good for simple advertising
Limitations of Animated GIFs
- Limited to 256 colors and uses of indexed color; does not work well on material with a rich visual texture and a large number of colors
- Produces relatively large files which become unmanageable for long sequences
- Provides poor compression unless the subject is simple; uses of lossless compression
- Cannot add sound
- No player controls to start and stop an animated GIF
- Not usually used for realistic animation
- No reliable mechanism for ensuring the animation is played back at a desired frame rate
- Prevents web page from conforming to WAI accessibility guidelines
Rates to Measure Animation
The playback rate of animation must be between 24 and 30 frames per second to give the illusion of motion. Flash measures the rate in frames per second (fps).
How to Animate a GIF
There are many ways to animate a gif file.
- Animated GIF with Photoshop
- Animated GIF with Flash - Flash creates creates smaller, optimized web pages that are quick to load.
Guidelines for Effective Animation
- Consider the purpose of the website and make sure the animation adds value
- Make sure the animation does not distract from the purpose
of the website
Notice the animation below. It could be very distracting!!g - Only animate what you want your web visitors to notice since moving objects draw attention
- Make sure the mood and content of the animation is appropriate
- Do not use too many animation objects per page.
- Limit the number of loops since looping animations can be annoying
Page last updated: May 31, 2012 10:35 AM
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