NOTE: This is a collection of information and links collected over the years that might provide useful information. A Safer Company LLC does not guarantee, endorse or approve any of these links or their scripts. Use these links to other websites at your own risk.
Wire Frame
A wireframe is a non graphical web page layout or design that shows proposed functions, structure and where the content will go, but not colors, graphics, or fonts. It can be considered a blue print. It is a visual of the relationships between pages. It would show where your images, multimedia, and text will be positioned on your webpages. Wireframes are completed before any artwork is developed.
The purpose is to show the features of the web page and where different elements will be placed. It should be used as a base to produce other pages for the website. It is an important part of a initial development stage, because it creates expectations and familiarity for the user. Several wire frames can be created for the client and they can select the wire frame they like best. A wire frame can also be called a website prototype. It is like a sketch and can be easily and quickly changed numerous times before the coding begins.
A wire frame should consider:
- company logo
- tag lines
- navigation
- content area
5 Reasons You Should Use Wireframes
- Creates a solid structure for a website
- Forces everyone to be clearly see what the expectation is. Minimizes surprise and is a common reference point
- Encourages clients to think through their content.
- Saves time because a wire frame can be easily revised.
- Gives the design of what will be coded.
Software Packages To Design Wireframes
There are many software packages to help you design a wireframe. Microsoft Word or Powerpoint can be used, but sometimes it is good just to use a piece of paper and pencil, markers or crayons.
Most of these packages have a 30 day free trial and they require that you download software to your computer.
- A great storyboard software - Watch video first Added 3-12-2011
- Axure
- Justinmind Prototype
- iRise
- Gliffy
- Dia
- SmartDraw
- ProtoShare
- iPlotz
- Hot Gloo
- Denim
- Pencil
- Omnigraffle
- Photoshop
- Adobe Illustrator
- Visio
- Flairbuilder
- Taubler
- Mockflow
- Wireframe Creation Tools
Page last updated: May 31, 2012 10:19 AM
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