NOTE: This is a collection of information and links collected over the years that might provide useful information. A Safer Company LLC does not guarantee, endorse or approve any of these links or their scripts. Use these links to other websites at your own risk.
Directory Structure
Organizing Files and Folders
It is important to keep your files and folders organized and to use meaningful names. This is true for websites but also for all of your files.
It is easy to set up a good directory structure for your website files.
- Select a location to store all of your web files. It can be on your computer or on a flash drive.
When I start a new website I always create a folder for my client in my My Documents or Documents folder. This could also be the name of a course you are taking like web140.
For example: I might create a folder for ASaferCompany
Since I might have other files for this client or course, I create a folder called website. All of the web files for this client will be in the folder called: Documents>ASaferCompany>website
- Since the folder name must be spelled exactly like you set up the folder, it is recommended to use all lower case letters and no spaces for your folder names. It will make finding your files easier if you are a beginner.
Folder Names
There are a few standards folder names that many websites use:
- images - graphic files such as .jpg, .gif
- Make sure graphic files have the proper extension: For example: jpg, gif
- The name of the graphic can reflect which web page which it appears.
For example: I might have an image on my contact.html page and I might name it contact.jpg
- cgi-bin - Perl and cgi files
- Template - Dreamweaver templates
- css - cascading style sheet files
- scripts or includes - javascripts
File Names
It is recommended that you use the following guidelines for naming your files:
- Use lowercase letters
- Use letters and numbers and ~ _ - and . nothing else.
- No spaces
- Web pages usually have the extension .html
- Make the file name meaningful.
Page last updated: May 31, 2012 10:21 AM
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