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- Regular Expressions
- Preg_Replace PHP Function
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Preg_Replace PHP Function
The preg_replace function is used to find and replace on a string or an array. We can give it one thing to find and replace or we can give it a full list of things (an array) to search for, each with a corresponding replacement.
preg_replace ( $search_for, $replace_with, $string , optional_limit, optional_count )
- limit - will default to -1 which is no limit.
- $string can be a string or an array.
Example 1 - Replacing one phrase:
<? //Replace a single word - Replace the word "the" with the word "a" $sting = "There are many examples to show the pred_replace function."; echo "$sting <br />"; $find ="/the/i"; //The i means to ignore case (upper or lower) $replace ="a"; echo preg_replace ($find, $replace, $sting); ?>//Replace a single word - Replace the word "the" with the word "a" $sting = "There are many examples to show the pred_replace function."; echo "$sting
"; $find ="/the/i"; //The i makes this case insensitive $replace ="a"; echo preg_replace ($find, $replace, $sting); ?>
In the above example: "There are many examples to show the pred_replace function."
- The first "The" is changed to a
- The second "the" is changed to a
- Giving the sentence "are are many examples to show a pred_replace function."
Example 2 - Using an Array:
<? $string = "The cat likes to sit on the fence. He also likes to climb the tree."; //create arrays $find_array = array ('/the/', '/cat/'); $replace_array = array ('a', 'dog'); //Replace with array values echo preg_replace ($find_array, $replace_array, $string); ?>$string = "The cat likes to sit on the fence. He also likes to climb the tree."; //create arrays $find_array = array ('/the/', '/cat/'); $replace_array = array ('a', 'dog'); //Replace with array values echo preg_replace ($find_array, $replace_array, $string); ?>
In the example above:
- the word "the" was replaced with the word "a"
- the word "cat" was replaced with the word "dog"
- Giving the sentence "The dog likes to sit on a fence. He also likes to climb a tree."
Example 3 - Replace ONCE
<?php //Replace just once echo preg_replace ($find_array, $replace_array, $string, 1); ?>
The example above:
- the word "the" was replaced with the word "a" ONLY ONCE
- the word "cat" was replaced with the word "dog" ONLY ONCE
- Giving the sentence "The dog likes to sit on a fence. He also likes to climb the tree." NOTICE that the second "the" was not replaced
Example - Count Replacements
<?php //Keep a count of replacements $count = 0; echo preg_replace ($find_array, $replace_array, $string, -1, $count); echo "<p>You have made $count replacements</p>"; ?>
You have made 0 replacements
In the example above:
- the word "the" was replaced with the word "a"
- the word "cat" was replaced with the word "dog"
- Giving the sentence "The dog likes to sit on a fence. He also likes to climb a tree."
- The difference is that the $count of the number of replacements
Page last updated: May 31, 2012 10:46 AM
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