NOTE: This is a collection of information and links collected over the years that might provide useful information. A Safer Company LLC does not guarantee, endorse or approve any of these links or their scripts. Use these links to other websites at your own risk.
Determine User Requirements
General User Requirements
- Users are Scanners - they do NOT read the entire content of a web page. Limit the length of your pages so your visitor does not have to scroll more than two screen. Longer screen require lots of scrolling.
- Less is More - Keep the pages and paragraphs as short as possible and use a lot of white space. Put your most important messages as close to the top of the page as possible.
- Colors - limit the number of colors that you use.
- Navigation - Design a consistent navigation structure that is used by all the pages in your Web site
- Download Speed - Images can make a web page download slower. Most visitors will leave a web page that takes more than 7 seconds to download.
- Let your Audience Speak - Provide a method for visitors to provide input about your website/business.
- Technology - Your visitors use different hardware and software.
- Testing - since anyone within the WORLD WIDE WEB can use your website, make sure you design and test it with the most popular browsers and monitor sizes.
Methods to Gather User Requirements
- Contextual Interviews - Method that enables you to observe users in their natural environment to better understand the way users work.
- Focus Groups - Moderated discussion with a group of users that allows you to learn about users' attitudes, ideas, and desires.
- Individual Interviews - One-on-one discussions with users. Discussion allows you to learn how a particular user works and enables you to probe on a user's attitudes, desires and experiences.
- Task Analysis - Method that involves learning about users' goals - what they want to do on your Web site - and understanding the tasks that users will perform on your site.
- Surveys (Online or Paper) - Series of questions asked to multiple users of the Web site that helps you learn about the people who visit your site.
Page last updated: May 31, 2012 10:22 AM
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