NOTE: This is a collection of information and links collected over the years that might provide useful information. A Safer Company LLC does not guarantee, endorse or approve any of these links or their scripts. Use these links to other websites at your own risk.
SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics
SVG defines graphics in XML format.
<svg xmlns="" version="1.1">
<circle cx="500" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="#990000" />
SVG code explanation:
- The first line contains the XML declaration. Notice the standalone attribute, which specifies whether the SVG file "stands alone", or contains a reference to an external file. standalone="no" means that the SVG document has a reference to an external file - in this case, the DTD.
- The second and the third line refer to the SVG DTD. This DTD resides at, and contains all allowable SVG elements.
- The SVG code begins with the <svg> element. This is the root element. The xmlns attribute defines the SVG namespace and the version attribute defines the SVG version to be used.
- The <circle> element is used to draw a circle.
- The cx and cy attributes define the x and y coordinates of the center of the circle. If cx and cy are omitted, the circle's center is set to (0, 0).
- The r attribute defines the radius of the circle.
- The stroke and stroke-width attributes control how the outline of a shape appears.
- We set the outline of the circle to a 2px wide, black "border".
- The fill attribute refers to the color inside the circle.
- The </svg> tag closes the root element and the document.
Note: Since SVG is written in XML, all elements must be properly closed!
Text on a Path
The <path> element is used to define a path.
The following commands are available for path data:
- M = moveto
- L = lineto
- H = horizontal lineto
- V = vertical lineto
- C = curveto
- S = smooth curveto
- Q = quadratic Bézier curve
- T = smooth quadratic Bézier curveto
- A = elliptical Arc
- Z = closepath
Note: All of the commands above can also be expressed with lower letters. Capital letters means absolutely positioned, lower cases means relatively positioned.
Browser Support
- Firefox
- Internet Explorer 9
- Google Chrome
- Safari
Page last updated: May 31, 2012 10:26 AM
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