NOTE: This is a collection of information and links collected over the years that might provide useful information. A Safer Company LLC does not guarantee, endorse or approve any of these links or their scripts. Use these links to other websites at your own risk.
Writing Good Content for Users and Search Engines
A website needs good content that is informative and useful to the visitors and presented in a way that makes sense to them.
Make sure that the most important information is at the top of your page.Some search engines read the text to verify keywords found in your Meta tags and Title tags. Some of the major engines just read the first megabyte of text on your page and index it according to this information.
Too many graphics and too few words on a web page can cause problems when search engines try to index the page. Include at least 100 words of text on your web page containing the keywords that are in your meta tags.
You should target 3 to 5 keyword phrases per page and repeat the keywords in the body text up to 6 times. Do not repeat your keywords one right after another, but break them up between other keywords. Do not try to trick search engines with hidden keywords.
Make sure your website provides information on:
- What
- Why
- How
- Who
- Where
- When
If you sell a product, make sure your website provides information about:
- Description - What it looks like; color, texture
- Size - include dimensions for width, height and weight
- Costs - include any shipping or handling fees
- Photos - it is great to provide a thumbnail (very small photo) as well as a larger photo
- You can also include:
- Number in Inventory - especially if you only have a few left
- Comments from people who have already purchased the product.
Optimize your Content
Create content others will want to link to. Use the key words that you think potential customers will use in their searches.
- Make sure your content is:
- grammatically correct
- appealing to your potential customers
- related to your products or services
- Keywords should be integrated in your content, page title, and meta tags
- Make your website content show a passion for your subject area
- Provide useful, interesting and informative content
- Use words that are easy to understand and are familiar to your visitors
- Give examples
Organize the Content
Organize the content to make it easy for visitors to scan the page and find keywords and sentences. Chunking is the term used with breaking the text into small sections so it can be scanned easier.
Chucking Techniques
- Keep sentences short
- Limit paragraphs to two or three sentences
- Use bulleted or numbered lists
- Use tables to make complex information easier to understand
- Use pictures, images, diagrams, or illustrations representative of the ideas expressed in the content
- Use headings and sub-headings
- Add a table of contents at the top of the page and hyperlink the categories to the related content on the page
- Use white space to separate chunks of information
Check Spelling Links
Page last updated: May 31, 2012 10:17 AM
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