
"Winners make choices,
losers make excuses.
Decide to be a Winner!!!!

±Arrows Getting Started

± Phase 1

± Website Tools

± Phase 3
Conceptual Design

± Helpful Information

± Phase 4
Physical Design

± Phase 5

± Phase 6
Implement and Market Website

± Other Web Development Items

± Multimedia

± Useful Utilities

± Programming

± Advanced Programming

± Microsoft Office Products

± Computer Maintenance

± Other

Web Design

NOTE: This is a collection of information and links collected over the years that might provide useful information. A Safer Company LLC does not guarantee, endorse or approve any of these links or their scripts. Use these links to other websites at your own risk.

HTML - Video Codes

Videos can be embedded into web pages.

HTML - Video Media Types

  • .swf - created by Adobe's Flash program - supported by the embed tag
  • .wmv - Microsoft's Window's Media Video file types
  • .mov - Apple's Quick Time Movie format - supported by the embed tag
  • .mpeg - set the standard for compression movie files created by the Moving Pictures Expert Group
  • .avi - supported by the embed tag

Embed Mpeg Video

Embed the media file using the <embed ></embed> tag.


  • src - defines the correct local or global URL
  • autostart - controls the media's ability to start without prompting. Values are true or false.
  • hidden - controls whether or not the play/stop/pause embedded object is hidden or not. Values are true or false. (Hide your embeded media if you just want background noise).
  • loop - A true value means the media will continuously loop, false means no looping.
  • playcount - Setting a playcount means the media will repeat itself x number of times instead of continuously as with the loop attribute above. (playcount="2" will repeat the video twice).
  • volume - set a numeric value for the loudness of your media. (0-100).



You may start and stop your movie files by either pressing the buttons at the bottom of the object or by single clicking (stop) on the object and double clicking your mouse (continue/play).

Link to the Video File

A link can be made to go to your video file.



Link to motiontween1easy.swf

HTML - Google Video

Google video is available as a source for sharing movies on the internet. At Google Video it is possible to search for any type of movie. Google allows you to download and display these movies on any of your own html pages.

As you search through videos there Google has provided a text area with an embed tag inside of it. Copy this text area to your own HTML pages to embed Google videos onto your own pages.



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Page last updated: May 31, 2012 14:41 PM

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Content and Navigation...

Web Site by: A Safer Company LLC